WG2 meeting during EMS 2023

Working group 2 meeting  during
EMS Annual meeting (03-08/09/2023), Bratislava (Slovakia)

WG2 meeting on presentation and testing of Micromet_KSP
In the city of Bratislava (Slovakia), from 3rd to 8th September, 2023, the EMS2023 conference took place. Amidst the wide variety of sessions and discussions, a CA20108 FAIRNESS WG2 meeting, was held as a side event on Wednesday, September 6th, from 16:00 to 17:15 CEST. The central focus of the meeting was the introduction and exploration of the new FAIR Micrometeorological Platform (FMP2.0), a knowledge-sharing platform dedicated to micro-scale measurements.
Conveyed by Branislava Lalic the meeting served as a forum for presenting the FMP2.0, discussing its features, potential impacts, and the roadmap for its development and deployment. Setting was informal and open, facilitating exchange of ideas, questions and ideas from participants. As the FAIR Micrometeorological Platform moves from concept to reality, it holds the potential to accelerated gathering of knowledge from data in urban and rural micrometeorology.
Presentations on WG2 meeting
