Working group 1

Networking and communication

Leader: Prof. Stevan SAVIC, Novi Sad, Serbia

Research Coordination Objectives

Objective 1 
  • S : Establish a core forum of available micrometeorological measurement networks and data holders in Europe, evaluate data fairness and identify gaps.
  • M : Networks (3) and individual (25) data sources will be introduced by Action members. Guidelines for FAIR principles implementation and list of gaps will be identified.
  • A : Action members confirmed their status as “data providers”.
  • R : Inventory of available networks and data sets will allow assessment of their “fairness” and existing gaps. It will allow comparison and performance assessment of different measurement and data management methods and their future enhanced coordination.
  • T : Inside-action inventory will be compiled until the end of M06 of the Action. Further coordination of information seeking and identification will take place during FAIRNESS lifetime.

Tasks and Activities


T1.1 Inventory of available micrometeorological data and their structure;

T1.2 Data “fairness” and gaps;

T1.3 Creating a Core Pan-European multidisciplinary network of experts for  micrometeorological data measurement and assimilation.


A1.1.1 Inventory of the Action partner data and publicly available data using a questionnaire designed and distributed among partners and potential data holders/suppliers (see FAIRNESS “neighbouring” community).

A1.1.2 Inventory of data content and structure (including metadata).

A1.2.1 Evaluation of data “fairness” and gaps.

A1.2.2 Recommendations for enhanced data “fairness”, measurement, assimilation and gap filling (measurement techniques, format of data, data gaps management, metadata template for urban and rural measurements).

A1.2.3 Recommendations testing for selected data sets.

A1.3.1 Workshop of SPs with expertise in micrometeorological measurements
and data assimilation and invited experts.


1.1 Network of Networks

Here is a list of rural and urban networks that are not part of official national networks, but part of project activities of different agencies or research/educational institutions. In this list you can find general information about the networks,  then links to micrometeorological data and the contact person responsible for the network and datasets. This ‘Network of Networks’ list aims to contribute to the networking of research groups and stakeholders dealing with meteorology, climate change, environmental issues, etc.

FAIRNESS Action list of Networks
FAIRNESS Action map of Networks
FAIRNESS Action map of Networks

1.3 List of the Pan-European multidisciplinary network of experts

Here is a list of experts and stakeholders who are related with agrometeorology, urban climate, micrometeorological data
measurements and assessments, developing meteorological networks or sensors, etc.
In this list you can find basic information about each expert or stakeholder, i.e. their research/interest focus, references, e-mails, etc.
This Pan-European multidisciplinary network of experts aims to contribute to the networking of research groups and stakeholders
dealing with meteorology, climate change, environmental issues, etc. This list will be updated during the project realization.

FAIRNESS Action Pan-European list of  experts