Working group 2

Development and implementation

Leader: Prof. Mark ROANTREE, Dublin, Ireland 

Research Coordination Objectives

Objective 2 
  • S : Development and implementation of Micromet_KSP.
  • M : Micromet_KSP with associated data and information sources including pilot data sets and selected indices will be developed ; Micromet_KSP will be implemented through Training Schools, , STSMs, workshops and region/environmental specific case studies.
  • A : Micromet_KSP will be integrated into the Action web page. Case studies will be designed according to region-specific challenges in rural, urban, rural-to-urban and urban-to-rural areas.Exchange files will be stored at general-purpose open-access repository ZENODO.
  • R : Micromet_KSP is a key tool in assessing FAIRNESS main aim. Its implementation will allow comparison and performance assessment of different models :
    1. meteorological (numerical weather prediction (NWP) and soil-vegetation-atmosphere (SVAT)),
    2. agronomy and agrometeorology (crop and fruit development models, agroclimatic (risk) models, pest and disease models),
    3. forestry (tree growth and gas exchange models),
    4. medicine/vector disease control (invasive species distribution models),
    5. urban (air quality, urban microclimate, urban heat island, urban living conditions and urban energy consumption models).
  • T : Basic structure of Micromet_KSP will be uploaded until M06 of the Action. Afterwards, the
    content and functionalities will be permanently updated. Implementation and case studies realisation process will start from M06

Tasks and Activities


T2.1 Micromet_KSP development and implementation  

T2.2 Pilot data sets and application oriented indices

T2.3 Case studies design   

T2.4 Skill and knowledge enhancement.


A2.1.1 Design of Micromet_KSP structure and functionalities.

A2.1.2 Implementation via the Action web page and initial testing.

A2.2.1 Design of pilot data sets (using partner data sources) for rural and urban microclimate including metadata.

A2.2.2 Identifying promising applications of selected indices 15 for rural/urban environment and cross cutting areas. Indices testing using Micromet_KSP and pilot data sets.

A2.3.1 Design of in situ/regional case studies in order to test the Action application potential.

A2.3.2 Implementation and monitoring of the case studies.

A2.4.1 Design of Training Schools in data assimilation, management and application (“Skill and knowledge enhancement action plan”).

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