Workshop – Barcelona 2024


05/09 – 06/09/2024,  Barcelona (Spain)

Exploitation of Mapping, Modeling, and Micrometeorological Data-Based Applications

Final Agenda

Venue: OneCoWork Catedral, Av. de la Catedral, 6, Ciutat Vella, 08002 Barcelona, Spain (map)

Abstract submission with reimbursement claim– May 8, 2024

Abstract acceptance – 15/05/2024 

Letter to participants – 20/05/2024

 (Note:  The Letter of acceptance was sent from FAIRNESS contact e-mail on May 21st, please check your spam box if you didn’t receive it yet)

Support applicants confirm or cancel their participation – 27/05/2024 <<<

Final list of participants – 01/06/2024

Dear FAIRNESS participants,

We are excited to announce upcoming workshop and invite you to present your use of micrometeorological data and the challenges you are facing in the processWe particularly encourage current and future Micromet_KSP and case study participants and users.

This workshop is ideal for researchers, and experts to exchange their experience in working  with practitioners, and policymakers  in order to assess stakeholders’ and users‘ needs for data quantity, quality, and form, as well as to present actual capacites of FMP 2.0.

The Workshop is partially overlapping with EMS2024 conference. Since dissemination of the action results is important FAIRNESS activity, we encourage you to submit your contribution to EMS2024 conference. There is a several session appropriate for FAIRNESS participants (related to Urban climate, Agricultural and Forest meteorology, etc.).

Licence and copyright

Author’s certification

By submitting an abstract, the authors certify that they have read and agreed to the following terms:

  • The authors are authorized by their co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
  • The publication of the work described has been approved by all the author(s) and by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – of the institutes where the work has been carried out, and that neither the abstract nor the presentation materials infringe copyright or any other rights by third parties.
  • The work does not contain content that is unlawful, abusive, or constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy.
  • The authors warrant that they secure the right to reproduce any material that has already been published or copyrighted elsewhere and that they identified such objects with appropriate citations and copyright statements, if applicable, in captions or even within the objects themselves (e.g. copyrights of maps).

Abstract rules and recommendations

  • The abstract body should be between 250 and 450 words, clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
  • Mathematical symbols and equations can be typed in or embedded as image.
  • Figures and tables should not be included.
  • Abstracts should be carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last-minute changes.
  • The font “Times New Roman” is preferred, please use the font-size 14,bold for the Title, font-size 12,bold for the Authors, font-size 12,normal for the Abstract body and Affiliation field
