Dissemination and application action plan

Authors: Filiberto Altobelli, Branislava Lalic, Daniela Arsenovic, Simone Orlandini

Contributors: all WG 3 and Core Group members

Deliverable D3.1

Full text to download

Shared tables on Google Docs:


FAIRNESS dissemination and exploitation strategy assumes that the Action results should be made visible to the wider research community as well as to the specialized and general public.
This can be done via articles, journals, books, conference presentations, upgraded teaching materials and experimental methods, (virtual) science cafes, the internet, and social media/networks.

The plan for dissemination and exploitation of FAIRNESS results is based on the following key elements: (a) addressing target user groups and (b) visibility/availability of the results and Micromet_KSP.

Another very important aspect is to guarantee people accredited information that allows them to increase their cultural background. This happens more and more often in contexts outside of formal information, using on-line resources, in professional refresher courses, in courses of social activities for volunteering. In essence, continuous training represents a challenge for the future and the results of the COST action can and must play a leading role in this context.

Dissemination towards the research and education community is planned in the form of publicly open workshops, Training Schools, meetings, reports from STSMs posted on the project web page, scientific publications in open-access peer reviewed journals, scientific conference presentations, research social networks, the project web page, lectures and training material for undergraduate, master and PhD students.

Establish FAIRNESS “neighboring” community through communication and joint meetings with ongoing projects and measurement networks, COST actions, international organizations and agencies sharing the same interest or using data and information managed by FAIRNESS is one the main objective of this FAIRNESS’s Dissemination and application plan.

The general public will be informed about the highlights of the project outcomes through: popular lectures, articles in newspapers, the FAIRNESS web page and Newsletter and social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Research gate, Academia). These outcomes and training materials for undergraduates will be preferably made available in national languages of FAIRNESS participants.

In summary, measures to maximize the impact for all addressed target groups (see table below) will be reached by the following support activities:

  • Publishable results of networking activities will be disseminated to the wider community by the FAIRNESS web page and Micromet_KSP as its element;
  • Training Schools and workshop materials, lectures and exercises will be adapted for University lectures and publicly shared (also in national languages of the FAIRNESS
    participants by demand);
  • Related papers published during or shortly after the end of the Action will be published as open-access papers (according to the Action budget).
  • Understanding of the Action results for the general public.

Why a dissemination and communication plan? How to implement it ?

During the Action, the inventory of “neighboring” community members and participants interested in cooperation with FAIRNESS will be permanently updated. The initial list of international organizations and a large-scale Pan-European project interested in sharing data, knowledge and expertise with FAIRNESS will be implemented during the project life. Further extension of knowledge exchange and introduction of new research fields will open a window of opportunity for new challenges and approaches, in particular, Micromet_KSP will introduce FAIRNESS “adjoining” community and its results as much as possible. At the same time a list of potential FAIRNESS “adjoining” community members will be updated and permanent
communication maintained.

Communication and dissemination strategy

A communication and dissemination strategy will be designed and implemented to maximize impact beyond the lifetime of the project. This strategy will be part of the WG3 (D3.1) that summarizes the partner’s actions related to dissemination and communication of the project results and will be developed and updated by WG3 members. The plan contains a list of targeted stakeholders (Tab. 1).
A preliminary list is shown below (see full text pdf, probably one table for country will be prepared to better
include all the stakeholders).

The main goals of the Communication and Dissemination

The main goals of the Communication and Dissemination actions are:
  • Goal 1: raising awareness, interest and informing the various stakeholders and the general public on the project results and proposed approaches for soil improvement through farming. 
  • Goal 2: raising awareness, interest and information among the stakeholders and general public on the project results considering the available and quality proven micrometeorological urban data and their usage for urban adaptation plans and naturebased solutions.
  • Goal 3: engaging in a dialogue with stakeholders to foster exploitation opportunities for further research and for upscaling of the FAIRNESS results.
  • Goal 4: knowledge transfer among the partners on specific methodologies and applications.
  • Goal 5: foster the acceptance of sustainable meteorological and agrometeorological urban and farming strategies identified by FAIRNESS and their potential impact on the urban and rural environment and yield production.

Communication and dissemination activities

The following table provides an overview on the various communication and dissemination activities that will be implemented during and beyond the life of the project. 

C&D ActivitiesKey message & motivationTarget audience
publications and
presentations (open
Provide technical details, exchange
knowledge and raise awareness on
the project results
Researchers and academics
Goals 1, 3+4
External events like
conferences and fairs
to foster exchange of knowledge
The FAIRNESS scientific and
technological approaches, project
results and their impact
Stakeholders in particular the
academic community
Clustering activities to
foster cooperation.
The collaboration will enhance
exploitation and foster new
EU projects and related
research initiatives,
Final conferenceThe FAIRNESS resultsAll
FAIRNESS website &
multilingual social
media activities
Communicate project objectives.
Building a community of early adaptors.
All, in particular farmers and
urban users in different
Promotional content
(brochure, posters,
fact-sheets, video)
Promote the project and its results to
key target group
Journalistic content to
gain media attention
(interviews & articles)
Inform about FAIRNESS and bring the
theme to the media.
All, incl. general public
training for
consortium members
Increase outreach using the partner’s
own network.
Consortium members


The dissemination pathways

A significant amount of research will be disseminated to different key scientific communities via recognized OA scientific journals and conferences that count with high impact index. It is expected that research institutions will publish conference publications and journal publications. The table below provides an initial overview of the dissemination pathways to be activated during the FAIRNESS project. 

DisseminationNames (Impact Factor/Location
1. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (5.734/Q1)
2. Field crops research (5.224/Q1)
3. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology
4. Atmosphere (IF 3.110)
and other
1. 2022 EMS Annual Meeting, University of Bonn, 4-9 September 2022
2. Conference of the General Assembly 2023 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Vienna Austria, 23-28 April 2023
3. 23rd International Congress of Biometeorology, Tempe, Arizona, USA,May 14-17,
4. ICUC-11, 11th International Conference on Urban Climate, Sydney, Australia, August
28th -September 1st 2023
5. 18° ESA Congress 2024, Rennes, France (2024),XIV Congress of SISEF 2023
MediaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf7m1syFW5msy3eHFuQG_sg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cost_fairness/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1566288390430893
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CostFairness
Urban Climate News, Quarterly Newsletter of the IAUC


The FAIRNESS dissemination and exploitation strategy assumes that the results of the action should be made visible to the wider research community, as well as to the specialized public and in general. This can be done via articles, journals, books, conference presentations, updated teaching materials and experimental methods, (virtual) science cafes, the Internet and social media / networks. This is what the FAIRNESS community aims to do throughout the entire project cycle. The operational bases for the main future communication and dissemination activities of the project have been built in this document.