NETWORK and EXPERTS Questionnaires

During 2021, the COST Action project called “FAIR network of micrometeorological measurements” – FAIRNESS started, and you can find more information about this project here:

One of the activities within the FAIRNESS project refers to 
Inventory of available micrometeorological data and their structure“. 

This means that we plan to make an inventory of rural and urban networks that are not part of official national networks, but part of project activities and results from universities, research institutions, agencies, international associations, etc. To achieve this goal, we have created a short questionnaire that allows you to present certain information related to your network or station. Therefore, we invite you to fill out this questionnaire freely and if you need further clarifications or have additional questions, you can contact us   (e-mail:

NETWORK questionnaire


Another project activity is related with
Creating a Core Pan-European multidisciplinary network of experts for micrometeorological data measurement and assimilation“.

This means that we would like to create a list of experts and stakeholders who are related with agrometeorology, urban climate, micrometeorological data measurements and assessments, developing meteorological networks or sensors, etc.
Based on that we will develop multidisciplinary network of experts for micrometeorological data measurement, i.e., experts who monitor and use urban/rural micrometeorological measurements,
work on assessments, assimilations, modelling, work on climate/environmental strategies, projects etc.
Furthermore, we would like to see not only experts from UNI or research institutions, but also from NGOs, administrative institutions, companies, etc.
The final version of this list will be visible on the project website and the Micromet_KSP platform and freely open to everyone to search the potential future partners. Finally, the goal of this list is to wider and
contribute the better connection of experts and institutions who work and use on urban/rural micrometeorological datasets.
To achieve this goal, we have created a short questionnaire that allows you to present yourself and details about your professional focus. Therefore, we invite you to fill out this questionnaire freely and if you need further clarifications or have additional questions, you can contact us (e-mail:

EXPERTS questionnaire


Dr. Stevan Savic, Working Group 1 leader