Beyond FAIRNESS Strategies
Leader (since 05/06/2023): Prof. Tamas WEIDINGER, Budapest, Hungary
Research Coordination Objectives
Objectives 4
- S : Guideline of future needs for micrometeorological measurements, data assimilation and
application. - M : Outputs from Micromet_KSP analytics and use of WG1-WG3 results (No. of citations, views, data and information requests) will assess future needs for micrometeorological measurements, related methods and strategies, data assimilation and calculated parameters and indices, in order to be the community who will set the research agenda for >2025.
- A : Micromet_KSP integrated analytical tools and scientific networks statistics (RG, Google Scholar, Scopus) will provide necessary data.
- R : The developed guidelines will be an important information and know-how source for stakeholders and future market applications (including cooperation with private enterprises) as well as researchers interested in development of future European micrometeorological database. It will allow application of FAIRNESS results beyond the Action.
- T : Until the end of M06 the structure and content of the Guidelines will be identified in order to introduce proper analytical tools in Micromet_KSP. From M12 “Guideline development plan” will be designed. From M12 to M40 data will be collected and analyzed when the first draft of the Guideline will be offered for discussion to FAIRNESS users community and FAIRNESS Action members.
Tasks and Activities
T4.1 Future needs for micrometeorological measurements, data assimilation and application
T4.2 “Long-term sustainability plan”
A4.1.1 Compilation and analysis of WG1-WG3 assessment results.
A4.1.2 Design and monitoring of “Guideline development plan”.
A4.1.3 Assessment of future European Micrometeorological database concept and functionalities.
A4.2.1 Identification of transferrable activities.
A4.2.2 Design and monitoring of “Long-term sustainability plan”.