Summer school SS1 (2022)

Summer School (SS1)

Location: Volos, Greece

University of Thesally / Αργοναυτών, Filellinon και, Volos 382 21

Start: 27/06/2022

End: 01/07/2022

Title: FAIRNESS Summer school 1“Filling common gaps in measured data”

Type: Face to face

Training school – Training in identification and overcoming of common gaps in measured micrometeorological data; common gaps in the organization of measurements, data assimilation, and management. Identification of transferable skills in measurement planning and implementation challenges (creative thinking and problem solving) and interdisciplinary approach (ability to combine work across different fields).


Training program final

Introduction Lecture
Questionnaire Responses


Homogenization of the micrometeorological station networks data
Homogenization of the micrometeorological station networks data
FAIRness of data
FAIRness of data
Gap filling in micrometeorological data
Gap filling in micrometeorological data
Case study PIS
Case study PIS

Co-organized event: 

Agroecoinfo 2022 Symposium, 30/06/2022 – 02/07/2022, Volos (Greece)