Transferable skill Questionnaire

Dear Participant,


Thank you for your time and willingness to participate in the CA20108 FAIRNESS Cost action transferable skills review. If you are not quite familiar with hard skills and transferable skills topics, below you can find short clarifications.

We have selected five transferable skills related to CA20108 FAIRNESS Cost action topics which could be useful to you.

T1: Micrometeorological instrumentation (principles of work; selection and installation).

T2: Experiment design (designing micrometeorological measurements in rural and urban areas; foreseeing and overcoming the most frequent issues; data and metadata selection)

T3: Data assimilation (managing different data formats and units)

T4: Critical control (quality control; identifying different data gaps in micrometeorological data and metadata)

T5: Gap filling (different methodologies in filling gaps in data and metadata).

We would like to know more about the current level of your skills related to these topics as well as your interest in improving them. Additionally, we are interested in your transferable skills in general. Therefore we prepared a small questionnaire which should take 5 min of your time but will be very valuable for us.


Feel free to forward this document to your network, particularly to early career scientists, experts, Ph.D. and master students.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Branislava Lalic

Action Chair


* Hard Skills refer to the knowledge and ability acquired through work (paid or unpaid) or education. These skills are measurable and often displayed through technical knowledge needed to perform a task. For example, hard skills might include knowing how to code in Python, having the ability to conduct research in a field, or even speaking a few different languages.


** Transferable skills refer to inter-changeable and flexible skills applicable to various jobs and can be hard and soft. Soft skills are commonly considered to be time management, communication, teamwork, leadership, and interpersonal skills. Sometimes the difference between hard and transferable skills includes the level of proficiency. For example, for a professional translator, knowledge of many languages is a hard skill, while basic knowledge in social psychology is transferrable skill/knowledge that allows a person to be better in many jobs related to multilanguage translations. On the other hand, knowledge of multiple languages for a social psychologist is an excellent way to communicate more easily with different social groups. A lack of transferrable skills can significantly hinder further career development. For example, installing and maintaining automated weather stations is not a hard skill for an agronomist. However, suppose they should be responsible for monitoring and forecasting canopy micrometeorological conditions. In that case, it is very welcome if a person has any knowledge about maintenance of the equipment (rain gauge cleaning, sensor position checking) and data management (checking if data transfer goes smoothly, data gaps checking, etc.).